Wisdom in Practice – From Existential Training to Therapeutic Encounter



The International Symposium of Existential Therapy and the 6th European Conference for Existential Therapy in Rome

 Wisdom in Practice – From Existential Training to Therapeutic Encounter

 21-23 May 2025
with simultaneous translation in English, Italian, Spanish and French in the main rooms!

Early bird rates apply until the 30th of November, register today – DON’T MISS OUT!

  Existential therapy is a form of psychological and existential treatment that bridges the gap between a clinical approach and a philosophical reading of reality. It serves as both a training course for helping professionals and a therapeutic method aimed at treating pathologies as well as overcoming existential discomfort.
Today, existential psychotherapy is practiced worldwide and has gained a broad following, thanks in part to the influential pen of Irvin Yalom, a renowned writer and psychotherapist.

  Compared with other psychotherapeutic models, existential therapy is not anchored to specific aetiologies or codified procedures. This unmooring, along with the complexity of its theoretical foundations, has limited its popularity among both specialists and potential clients.
Despite this, existential therapy is perhaps continuously evolving precisely because of its flexibility. It incorporates different strands from various schools of thought, remains open to integrating therapies from other models, and welcomes collaboration with other clinical approaches. In general, it tends not to recognize irreconcilable conflicts or contrasts between the different therapeutic methods that have developed worldwide.

   The Roman event was initiated by the dell’Istituto di Scienze umane ed Esistenziali (ISUE) and its collected Scuola di Psicoterapia neoEsistenziale (SPEs) in collaboration with the Federation for Existential Therapy in Europe (FETE). The primary motivation behind this initiative is to establish a common international path for training young therapists, fostering comparison and discussion among various national and international schools of existential therapy.
Thanks to the collaboration with the Federation for Existential Therapy in Europe (FETE), the Roman meeting will encompass both training in existential therapy and the latest professional therapeutic experiences.

  We are organizing the conference with a variety of formats, including plenary lectures, symposia, workshops, and a unique feature called “discussion rooms.” These discussion rooms will encourage open dialogue on specific themes related to therapeutic work among participants
There will be ample space for poster presentations, and a special section will focus on workplace well-being, featuring keynote speakers from the Anglo-Saxon coaching community.

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