About the SEA
The SEA was founded in 1988 by Emmy Van Deurzen to advance public education in the use and application of Existential Analysis, and foster and disseminate research into Existential Thought and Psychotherapy.
Members of the Society for Existential Analysis include students, counsellors, psychotherapists, psychologists, academics, philosophers and sympathisers, from the United Kingdom and abroad. The SEA welcomes anyone interested in the existence of human beings.
The SEA is explicitly against racism in any form and is committed to pluralism as an essential feature of existential practice. The SEA is considering appropriate action in furtherance of this commitment and in accordance with its stated objects, to be reflected in the SEA’s programme of events and in its role with respect to practitioner training.
The SEA’s role is to further the study and application of Existential Thought, by:
- Organising events, seminars, conferences and training
- Providing grants and scholarships
- Collecting and disseminating related information by publications, nationally and overseas
- Accrediting training of Existential Psychotherapy and registering their graduates into the UKCP register