Information for Contributors
The aim of Existential Analysis, the journal of the Society for Existential Analysis, is to provide a forum for the expression of views and the exchange of ideas amongst those interested in existential-phenomenological analysis and its application to therapeutic practice and everyday life.
Prospective contributors should send papers or reviews, in English, by email attachment to The Editors, c/o Richard Swann:
All contributions should be submitted in Word format.
The Editors may alter manuscripts wherever necessary to ensure they conform to the stylistic and bibliographical conventions of the journal.
Papers must:
- Not normally exceed 5,000 words
- Include a separate title page bearing the title of the paper and name(s) of the author(s)
- Include an Abstract of no more than 50 words
- Include a list of no more than 8 key words
- Include a biographical statement of current professional activity of no more than 25 to 30 words
- Contain contact information which will be printed after the biographical statement:
- A postal address (preferably professional)
- A professional email address
- No telephone number should be included
- Unless it is very short, the paper should be organised into sections
Reference Style Guide
References given in the text should be in author (date) style, i.e. Jones, A.B. (1989).
Single quotation marks should be used except where there is a quotation within another.
Extended quotations should be indented and italicised and fully referenced to include a page number. References will be printed at the end of the article in alphabetical order by author.
Citations should be as follows:
- Macquarrie, J. (1972). Existentialism. Harmondsworth: Penguin.
Chapter in a book
- Spinelli, E. (2003). The existential-phenomenological paradigm. In Woolfe, R., Dryden, W. and Strawbridge, S. (eds) Handbook of Counselling Psychology, 2nd ed. London: Sage.
Paper in a journal
- Kvale, S. (1994). Ten standard objections to qualitative research interviews. Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, 25(2): 147-73.
Translated book
- Merleau-Ponty, M. (1963). The Visible and the Invisible. Trans. Lingis, A. Evanston, Ill: Northwestern University Press.
- should be used rather than Footnotes. They should be indicated by superscript numerals at the appropriate places (numbering consecutively). The notes should appear at the end of the paper under the heading ‘Notes’.
Additional information for Contributors
Authors should ensure that the submission has been copy edited for correct (UK) English grammar and spelling, as Reviewers are not able to take time to make these corrections.
Authors are responsible for the opinions expressed.
All academic papers are subject to anonymous peer review. Apart from the title page the remainder of the manuscript should be free of information identifying the author(s).
Existential Analysis is published twice annually in January and July.
Only corrections of printer’s errors can be allowed in proofs. Authors are therefore asked to send any alterations or additions to the Editors within one month of receiving a letter of acceptance. Authors of published work will receive a complimentary copy of the journal.
Photocopying single copies of articles contained in this journal for the purpose of private study is permissible. For multiple copies and reproduction, permission must be sought from the author(s).
Copyright is retained by the author(s). If authors use the same material in subsequent publications, acknowledgement should be given to this journal.